
Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday Flicks: The Truman Show

I'm a huge fan of Jim Carrey. I love his style of comedy. My best J.C. movies -- Bruce Almighty, The Majestic, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Fun with Dick and Jane, The Yes Man.

The Truman Show 1998 is his best quasi-dramatic performance. The concept for this show was brilliant. A TV show about a real person who has no idea his life is fake. Everyone he knows, every person he meets, the world he lives in --- all fake. Philosophically, we're dealing with Fatalism vs. Free will and Man (Cristof) as God. Carrey's performance was spectacular. He played Truman with the perfect balance of humor and tragedy.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bear Switch Wins BEST FILM!!!

The winning film in the Shoot Out 24 Hour Filmmaking Festival was disqualified, so the organizers awarded The Bear Switch Project as Best Film!

That gives us three awards (Best Film, Best Comedy, Best Actor). Thanks to Susan, Ron, Peter, Christi, Justin and Jacob!

Go to the Shoot Out website to see why she was disqualified.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday Tunes: Dancing Machine

Talkin'  'bout my generation...

I was 17 in 1974 when this episode of the Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour aired. Killing two birds with one stone today. One of my favorite TV shows of all time AND the amazing Jackson Five!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Our Movie won Best Comedy at the Shoot Out

The Bear Switch Project wins two awards at the Shoot Out Cheyenne Filmmaking Festival -- Best Comedy and Best Actor! WOW!

Go to my Skating Buffalo blog and check it out!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Teddy Bear

No Friday Flick today. I'm getting ready for the Shoot Out Filmmaking Festival which begins today and will last until Sunday. The movie I'm entering is called The Bear Switch Project and if I didn't have to worry about copyright law, I would use this song in my soundtrack!

This song is a tribute to my movie and the hard-working cast and crew that made it all possible:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Strange Week

It's countdown to the Shoot Out Filmmaking Festival which begins this Friday and I finally have everything in place. No worries, Mate.

Taking on a project like this is a mixed blessing. Part of me is very excited to try something new, be creative and work with some amazingly talented people.

The other part of me can't wait until it's over!

I wonder if this is typical. I'm finding it to be a pattern with me. But I can't bear the thought of not trying challenging, exciting, adventurous things. Life would be so uneventful.

The closest thing I can compare this experience to is walking through a wardrobe and arriving in Narnia. It's a totally different reality, full of beauty and danger. But I wouldn't want it any other way.

"But  courage, child: we are all between the paws of the true Aslan."

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Flicks: The Savages

The first time I saw this movie I had no idea what I was getting into. The Savages (2007) is a poignant film about dealing with an aging parent. It's labeled a comedy, but I found it tragic and heartbreaking. I wept more than I laughed.

Director Tamara Jenkins creates a perfect movie. It draws you in emotionally and you really connect with these characters which are brought to life by the amazing talents of Laura Linney, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Philip Bosco.

The story: Wendy and Jon Savage are siblings who put their estranged father in a nursing home. They must deal with the guilt of their decision  and their abusive childhood.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Skating Buffalo Productions

Check out my new blog promoting my film making endeavors, Skating Buffalo Productions. The name was inspired by the Roger Miller tune "You Can't Rollers Skate in a Buffalo Herd." I have fond memories of that song from my childhood and wanted to take it to the next level. A buffalo roller skating is whimsical and somewhat bizarre -- which represents my movie making mission.

I am Cherokee and a native of the West, thus the buffalo is an appropriate symbol representing my ancestry and my home in Wyoming. I've been blogging about my latest project for the Shoot Out 24 Hour Filmmaking Festival here in Cheyenne.

I invite you to read my blog and leave a comment. Thanks so much! Here's the link: Skating Buffalo Productions

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Must See TV

I'm getting DVR ready to record some of my favorite TV shows and some new shows that look promsing.

The Office
America's Next Top Model
Top Chef
Project Runway (already in progress)
Modern Family
The Sing Off
Harry's Law
Joyce Meyer

New Girl
2 Broke Girls
Up All Night
The X Factor

Sunday, September 11, 2011

In Remembrance 9-11

Remembering the 10th Anniversary of 9-11 and honoring the families who lost loved ones that day. "Today we are all Americans."

Friday, September 09, 2011

Friday Flicks: My Big Fat Greek Wedding

The great thing about My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) is that although it's a cute romantic comedy, there is a serious message about pursuing your dream. Tula is tired of her life as a waitress in the family restaurant so she decides to go to college so she can get a better job. Her dream comes true...and then she meets Ian and finds true love as well.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Tuesday Tunes: A Fifth of Beethoven

Cool disco tune from Saturday Night Fever. Get out your dancing shoes.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Friday Flicks: The Bad Seed

I saw this movie years ago on TV and it still creeps me out. It's the story of a little girl who plays piano, wears pretty dresses and murders anyone who gets in her way. Her mother is horrified when she realizes that her precious daughter has the same genetic disposition for cold blooded murder as her biological grandmother, a notorious serial killer. Our community theatre is producing this play for our 2011-12 season.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Jen's Birthday

I've really gotten lax in my Bible reading lately. Need to focus on what's important and not get too busy "doing stuff." It's so easy to see your schedule start to control you rather than vice versa. I exercise everyday for my physical and mental well being, but I've neglected my spiritual well being.

Today I changed all that. Instead of haphazardly reading the Bible or a devotion for two minutes, I'm going to treat it like a meal and enjoy every bite. Since it's the first day of a new month, I'm reading a chapter of Proverbs each day. Proverbs was written by King Solomon, the wisest king who ever lived. It's about wisdom and knowledge. Today I read chapter one and I really felt God speaking to me in verse 33 "but whoever listens to me (wisdom) will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm." Lately I've been seeking peace and casting my worries on God. This verse was like God was talking straight to my heart. I will live in safety and will have no fear.

I've been reading the gospel of John and today I read chapter six about Jesus being the Bread of Life. Verse 35 -- Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."
And I want to say "Happy Birthday" to my daughter Jennifer. She is 35 years old. We haven't been with her on her birthday since she was 17. This is a wonderful day. We will be having her favorite ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins (pralines and cream ice cream and white cake) and going out to dinner. Jen, you ROCK!