
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Men of a Certain Age

Am I the only one who likes this show? None of my friends or family have ever heard of it. I've been watchng since it started a few weeks ago. Stars Ray Romano, Andre Braugher and Scott Bakula.

It's about three guys in their 40s who have been friends since they were kids. They live in L.A., hang out at the local diner, go for hikes and deal with personal issues. Joe (Ray) is separated from his wife, has two kids and owns a party store. He's a compulsive gambler. Owen (Andre) works at his father's car dealership, is married with children and has issues with his overbearing father. Terry (Scott) is an actor, never-married, a charming ladies' man and the poster boy for the Peter Pan Syndrome.

It's obvious the audience for the show is SUPPOSED to be men (advertisers include Jim Beam Whiskey), but I think women would be more likely to watch middle-aged men struggling with life issues. That's just me.

I told my sister-in-law about it and she's watching it, too.

This week had some sad moments: Terry applied to be a Big Brother but was turned down

Hopeful moments: Joe helped his father get a part-time job in a hardware store so he would feel useful again.

Funny moments: Owen had to make a car commercial with his father.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Vince Vaughn Won Me Over

I finally got to see "The Breakup" with Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. Didn't think I'd like it, but I did. I've never been a Vince Vaughn fan since the mega-bomb "Dodge Ball." For the record, I was forced to see that film with my grandchildren; otherwise you couldn't pay me enough money to watch it. Totally not my style. That movie almost turned me off Ben Stiller, as well. But how can you not totally LOVE Ben Stiller?

Anyway, Vince was terrific in "The Breakup." Surprisingly, as a woman, I was on his side in the the scene where they have their first fight. Jennifer the Super Nag. It was like looking in a mirror. It struck a chord with me because I realized that I sounded just like her. My poor hubby sure puts up with a lot...oy! That movie made me realize that I needed to stop nagging my hubby so much. Give him a break.

I liked that Vince's character changed, but was disheartened that they didn't get back together.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

All About Aniston

Did anybody see the Jennifer Aniston movie marathon on Lifetime last weekend?

I watched "Derailed." Surprise ending. The good thing about this was that Clive Owen got to kill the bad guy TWICE. Jenny was a bad girl.

I'm going to watch "The Break Up" (if I can stomach Vince Vaughn).

Saw "Marley and Me" a few weeks ago on MAX. Loved it. Marley should get the Oscar.

Liked her in "Bruce Almighty," "Along Came Polly" and "Love Happens."

Question of the Decade: How did Jennifer Aniston's hair become an American phenomenon?

Monday, January 04, 2010

Reading Max Lucado

Time for a spiritual boost. I went to the library to check out some books to read on our trip to Pennsylvania. Max Lucado's writings are just what the doctor ordered. I've got "Facing Your Giants," "Cure for the Common Life," and "Every Day Deserves a Chance."

Here's an excerpt from "Every Day". . . try this on for size:

We sabotage our day, wiring it for disaster, lugging along yesterday's troubles, downloading tomorrow's struggles. Remorse over the past, anxiety over the future. We aren't giving the day a chance. How can we? What can we do? Here's my proposal: consult Jesus. The Ancient of Days has something to say about our days.

Saturate your days with GRACE: "I tell you the solemn truth," replied Jesus, "this very day you will be with me in paradise." Luke 23:43

Entrust your day to his OVERSIGHT: "Give us day by day our daily bread." Luke 11:3

Accept his DIRECTION: "If any of you want to be my followers, you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross each day and follow me." Luke 9:23

Grace. Oversight. Direction. (G-O-D).

Friday, January 01, 2010

New Year and a New Book!

I'm happy to announce that one of my short stories was recently published in a book called "Laugh Your Shorts Off!" available at

Compiled by Margie Culbertson, the creator of our writer's discussion group, the book is an anthology of short humor featuring stories by the winners of her writing contests.
My story is a Cinderella parody play called "Rock and Roll Fairy Tale" featuring Peggy Sue as Cinderella, the Duke of Earl as Prince Charming and Elvis as the King.