
Monday, March 22, 2010

Alice and Charleton

So yesterday my good friend Jodi and I spent the whole day together. It was Sunday, so of course we went to church. She plays guitar and sings with the praise band. She's an amazing soprano and can sing harmony at the drop of a hat. Not me...I have to practice the alto part for weeks before I can sing harmony and even then I'm off key. God did not mean for me to be a singer, but that doesn't stop me from trying.

I am now the "announcement lady" at church, which means after the service I give the announcements of upcoming events. This week we're promoting the Creation video mini-series from Answers in Genesis and the Beth Moore bible study. At the last minute, the pastor asked me to announce that the church will be showing the movie "The Ten Commandments" starring Charlton Heston. It's a three-hour movie so we'll be showing it in installments over the next couple of weeks. When I do the announcements, I like to jazz it up a bit, maybe crack a few jokes or whatever, so I mention that Charlton Heston was my grandmother's favorite actor and every time I see him in a movie, I think of grandma.

Anyway: after church Jodi and I had lunch at Applebees. I ordered the half-size Santa Fe Chicken Salad and Jodi had the Chicken Fried Chicken. When the server brought the plates to our table, I noticed that my half-size salad was enormous and Jodi's chicken "steak," covered in white gravy, was the size of a steering wheel! I kid you not! It was enough to feed three people and a St. Bernard.

For the record, I've been watching Kitchen Nightmares with Gordon Ramsay and he says restaurants shouldn't show pictures of the food on the menu. He's also against gigantic portions. Applebees is guilty of both, but since it's not a gourmet restaurant, I guess they can get away with it.

After lunch we went to the theatre to see "Alice in Wonderland" because we're both HUGE fans of Johnny Depp. Two thumbs up! We saw the 2-D version because I HATE 3-D movies (don't get me started). My favorite character was Bayard the bloodhound who had been captive by the Red Queen and separated from his wife and pups. When they were reunited, I wept for joy. I also enjoyed the scenes of Alice in warrior garb slaying the Jabberwocky.

When the movie was over, we headed out to Starbucks to get a cup of java. I had a dark cherry mocha latte (DELICIOUS! Best latte EVER!) and Jodi had a cinnamon mocha latte - special ordered. I've noticed that she's pretty high maintenance when it comes to ordering food and drink. Reminiscent of Meg Ryan in "When Harry Met Sally."
During our coffee conversation, we talked about classic Disney cartoons. I learned that Jodi's favorite is "Sleeping Beauty" and she learned that I only like the Disney toons that feature animals: "Lady and the Tramp" and "101 Dalmations."

So at 4:30 we were in the auditorium at church watching Charleton Heston and Yul Brenner hash it out in "The Ten Commandments." I must say, Chuck and Yul had tans that would give George Hamilton a run for his money. After the movie, we stayed for the evening service. Jodi and the pastor played guitar and led the singing, then the pastor began our study in the book of Judges. (I've got it!)
I got home at 8:00, ate a hot dog and watched "Hoarders: Buried Alive" on TLC.

Day Done!

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