
Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Flicks: Cat's Eye

I'm a huge Stephen King fan. His novels and short stories are wonderful but the movies made from those stories are usually pretty bad. The few exceptions include Cujo, Firestarter, The Dead Zone, The Shining, Stand By Me, The Green Mile and The Shawshank Redemption.

Another King fave is Cat's Eye (1985).

Three different stories all linked by a cat whose mission is to save a little girl. Great performances by James Woods, Alan King and Drew Barrymore. A perfect blend of horror and humor.


  1. Wonderful coincidences abound, Luana! Not only do I really like this movie too; not only was it shot just a few miles from where I sit; but believe it or not I am prepping a blog post that refers to this movie - because a prop from the movie currently sits in my office at home! Why it is in my office will be revealed in the post! Great serendipity, my friend! And great movie choice!

  2. I've never seen this, but it looks scary.

  3. Angela: It's not really scary at all. It's very clever...three separate stories (a man who tries to quit smoking, a gambler in Las Vegas, and a little girl is afraid of the "monster" in her room)linked by a cat. It was made for TV for so it's pretty tame.

  4. Craig: OMG! Can't wait to read your post! So very very cool.
