
Friday, December 23, 2011

Friday Flicks: The Perfect Gift

The Perfect Gift (2009) is part of the "Perfect Stranger" series of Christian movies, written and directed by Jefferson Moore. They ask a "what if?" question: What if Jesus was here today in modern America? What would he do? How would he interact with people and what would be his take on the social issues we all face today?

The Perfect Gift depicts what it might be like if Jesus arrived in a town during Christmas.


  1. It looks like a cute movie. I would like to see how they portray Jesus.

  2. Sounds intriguing. A question for you as a filmmaker - sometimes Christian films don't hide their low budget origins very well, and come off a bit less than...polished...shall we say. Do you cut these films slack because of their Christian origins, or do you hold them to the same level of quality as any other movie?

  3. Belle: It's a great movie. It has humor along with a message. Jesus is portrayed in a respectful way, with gentleness, wisdom and humor.

  4. Belle: Jesus is portrayed in a respectful way with gentleness, wisdom and humor. I really enjoyed it.

  5. Craig: It's interesting that you bring that up. I'm in a Christian filmmakers discussion group and that is one of the issues that comes up frequently. Most everyone agrees that the Christian films made today are lacking, both in the quality of script and cinematography etc. It is the consensus of the filmmakers (myself included) that Christian films should be held to the same standards of excellence as any other kind of film.
