
Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Flicks: Lord of the Rings: -The Two Towers

I've been in an intense family drama for the past few weeks and did not have the mental focus to post Friday Flicks. Today is my first in a while. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) is part two of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The creature Gollem's battle with himself and the release of Theoden, King Rohan, from the evil clutches of Saruman the White capture a battle that has been going on in my life  in recent weeks.

Not to freak anyone out, but this movie has become a metaphor for my life lately. Let's just say I know what it feels like to be an exorcist.


  1. I didn't know they were filming that morning. My hair was so messy. :)

  2. Yow! I hope things settle down in your life! I feared I wouldn't like these movies and might find them boring and ponderous, or hard to follow, knowing Tolkien's love for language that made the books a bit of a slog for me. Happily, none of this was the case, and I loved all three movies very much. Well chosen, blog buddy!

  3. Manzanita: Thanks for dropping by. Happy blogging!

  4. Craig: The movies are amazing. I've never read the books; I just can't seem to get into them...such slow-paced narrative. The films are awesome. I love the metaphor and how they relate to our lives in a practical way.
