
Monday, March 14, 2011

We Blog/Web Log

For all you bloggers out there, check out the A to Z Blogging Challenge. I'm having a blast reading the blogs and learning about other bloggers out here in cyberspace. Make a comment, become a follower, share the love. The blogging universe becomes one big happy family.

You don't need to have a blog to enjoy the challenge. Read a blog and just say hello. The only downside is that you will spend hours on the computer when you should be watering your plants or practicing the cello.


  1. Always enjoy challenges. But I truly love the cartoon of some posts earlier. I think my brain is starting to spill out facts, too. LOL. I started following your blog, too. Have a great Tuesday, Roland

  2. Hi, Roland! Thanks for reading and following! I will check yours out, too. Blessings.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm looking forward to the a-z challenge...but I don't know if I'm prepared to spend tons of hours on the computer reading everyone elses! That could take days!

  4. Hi, Jennee: I agree. I don't think anyone could keep up with all the blogs, but we'll do what we can. Hopefully everyone who participates will find it worthwhile. I'm know I'm enjoying it.
