
Saturday, April 09, 2011


A to Z Blogging Challenge: Movie Memories
Blogging about the movies that made an impact on my life

Alfred Hitchcock is in a category all by himself. 

Psycho (1960): "They may have fooled me, but they didn't fool my mother."

Rear Window (1954): Trapped in a wheelchair and your only weapon is a camera.

North by Northwest (1959): "I didn't realize you were an art collector. I thought you just collected corpses."

The Birds (1963): Birds attack Bodega Bay -- blowing up cars, burning down buildings, and mutilating every human within pecking distance. Rambo has nothing on them.

Vertigo (1958): Will the real Madeleine please stand up?

Strangers on a Train (1951): "I have the perfect weapon right here: these two hands."


  1. Loved Rear Window and Vertigo. Never watched Psycho, thank goodness. I do enjoy taking showers!

  2. I have been waiting for this name to come up today. After seeing the Birds a long time ago, I am still freeking out over it. M. Night Shyamalan is a big Hitchcock fan, that is why he always makes cameo appearances in his films :) Nice post as usual.

  3. Rear Window.

    Not just one of Hitchcock's best but in the running for all-time best movie.

  4. Lisa, Siv, Huntress: I'm a huge Hitchcock fan. I agree, Rear Window is absolutely brilliant!

  5. I love so many of these movies. Hitchcock was pretty much awesome!

  6. I am old enough to boast that I used to watch The Hitchcock Hour on TV every week. It was great. Nothing like them any more. I can hear the music running through my head right now.

  7. Nice to meet you through the A-Z challenge! Hope to see you around!

  8. Jennee, Jeanne, Barbara: Hitch was a genius. I remember the TV show, too. I loved the theme song: March of the Marionettes.

  9. I watched Vertigo by myself at two in the morning one time. Totally screwed me up for a while :)

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  10. Hi, Sarah: I hear you! The first time I saw Psycho was alone in my house on the late late late show.

  11. Loved Hitchcock's work. So glad you featured him!

  12. Alison: What would a "movie" theme be without our friend Alfred?

  13. I ducked low when a bird flew over my head after watching The Birds. I hadn't realised until recently it was a novel by Daphne Du Maurier. Hitcock films are classics. :O)

  14. Such a great director! I used to watch his TV show when it came on right before Twilight Zone--or was it after. No matter--it was some great television viewing when I was a kid.

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge

  15. Madeleine: Du Mariere also wrote the novel, Rebecca, another Hitch film...his only Academy Award winner (1940). He really knew where to look for good stories.

  16. Arlee: The TV show was great. I like that he made cameo appearances in his movies. It's fun to find "Where's Waldo?"

  17. Boy howdy! Hitch was the Master of Suspense - His films are guaranteed to give you thrills chills and spills! You definitely hit the high points even lesser Hitchcock is always worth a look. Thanks for acknowledging him!

  18. Hi, Craig: I am a HUGE Hitchcock fan! One of the great filmmakers of all time.
