
Thursday, April 21, 2011


A to Z Blogging Challenge: Movie Memories
Blogging about the movies that made an impact on my life

People are always surprised when I tell them that Rocky (1976) is one of my favorite love stories. For me, it's all about Rocky and Adrian.

They had a lot to overcome in their personal lives...she was shy and insecure; Rocky felt that he was just a bum with nothing to offer. But they fell in love. Like Rocky said, "they filled gaps."

The story of the making of Rocky was like the story of Rocky himself. A low-budget movie that came out of nowhere becomes one of the most amazing films in history.

My favorite scenes:
Rocky and Adrian's first date at the skating rink.
Mickey talks to Rocky about being his manager.
Rocky and Adrian's first kiss.
After the fight when Rocky calls for Adrian. This clip shows the end of the movie and we see that even though Rocky "went the distance" with Apollo in the ring, it was all about his love for Adrian. That's all that mattered.


  1. My 18 year old son has just discovered this movie and absolutely loves it.

  2. Its been a while since I've had a Rocky marathon... I may have to dig out the boxed set and dust it off again!

  3. My husband and I have had quite a few "Rocky marathons" over the years since their first release(s). There have always been one or two motivating reasons for this. We want to get inspired about something in life and/or we simply want to watch a really good, nitty-gritty love story.

    Thanks for posting your thoughts, Luana!

  4. The Rocky franchise is good because it illustrates the human battles like Greek tragedies. One against a seemingly greater force etc.
    Enjoy reading your stuff.

  5. Sheila: It's great when the younger generation is inspired by older movies. I never get enough of Rocky.

  6. baygirl: I agree..I think I'm ready for a Rocky marathon, too!

  7. M Kathy: Nothing inspires like Rocky. When I'm feeling down, I hop on the ellliptical and watch Rocky while I workout...I feel confident and ready to take on the world!

  8. anthony: So true. That's what make Rocky such a great movie. Everyone can relate to this story.

  9. I really hate to admit it, but Rocky is a good movie. I hate admit it because I detest boxing. I really enjoyed Rocky IV too.

  10. I love this movie! I agree with you on the love story. I enjoyed all the Rocky movies, but this one especially because of the way the love story was written.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  11. I'm awarding you the stylish blogging award - it will be on tomorrows post. Congrats!

  12. Yes, it's one of the best movies ever, though I'm not overly fond of boxing or wrestling. It's time for me to see it again. Thanks for the reminder.

  13. Marjorie: I'm not a fan of boxing either...but I really think this is more of a love story than a boxing movie. I like Rocky IV too, but my fave of the sequels is Rocky III...I love the opening montage and The Eye of the Tiger song! WOW!

  14. Hi, Amy: I think Rocky appeals to both men and's got the action for they guys and the romance for the ladies. Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Sheila: Thanks for the award! WOW! That is cool.

  16. walk2write: I know what you mean...I'm going to watch it again.

  17. You have me wanting to see this movie again. I love Rocky.

  18. Hi, Alison! Glad to see you on "R" day! Rocky ROCKS!

  19. I just rewatched this recently - hadn't seen it since the 80's, and it struck me - the first Rocky is a dramatic love story - not a boxing movie. For some reason, the sequels ARE boxing movies. I like the series as a whole; so I have no problem with the sequels - but the first movie's sweet courtship between Rocky and Adrian is so different from needing to pound Mr. T or Dolph Lundgren into paste that I now realize why the first film did so well and remains highly regarded while the subsequent entries are dismissed for the most part. I will say that the most recent movie Rocky Balboa is a worthwhile watch. An older Stallone has gotten a little introspective, and the movie is again more a drama with boxing than a boxing flick. Thanks for this post - really good choice!

  20. Craig: I think you've nailed it. Rocky's appeal is the love story...and the sequels are about boxing as the "main event" (no pun intended).

  21. Excellent choice! I love this film and the many, many sequels it spawned. The story behind the story is equally compelling. The underdog tale of Stallone is just as fascinating as the underdog story of Rocky.

    And you are so very right. This boxing story is more about the love between two people than it is about any exploits in the ring.

    Great pick!

  22. Matthew: I love the story of how Stallone got this movie going. Yeah, somebody should make a movie about making the Rocky movie.
