
Monday, April 02, 2012

B is for Betty Rubble

Welcome to the A to Z Blogging Challenge where I will post on a topic
featuring a different letter of the alphabet each day of the month of April.
My theme for this challenge is Female TV Characters.

Betty Rubble - "The Flintstones"

THE STORY: Betty is married to Barney Rubble and is best friends with Wilma Flintstone. She lives in Bedrock and has a baby boy named Bam Bam who likes to break things with his club.  But that doesn't bother Betty. She's already planning Bam Bam's wedding to Pebbles Flintstone.

UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL: Betty has big brown eyes and wears her hair in a cute flip with a blue bow. She's very frugal and wears the same dress every day. Psychologically secure, Betty had no problem at all marrying a man who was a foot shorter than she. Betty puts the ROCK in Bedrock. 

Do you walk barefooted in your house? I kick my shoes off as soon as I walk in the door.


  1. Alex: I agree! Love those baby browns.

  2. I always liked Betty. She's so cute!

  3. Barefoot from the second I walk in! I always liked Betty

  4. Baygirl: Me, too. I hate wearing shoes in the house. That's my inner cave girl showing.

  5. Bare feet, all the way.

    I always thought Betty was more awesome than Wilma.

    A-Z @ Elizabeth Twist

  6. I like Betty - she's one confident woman. I do kick my shoes off, but I have to wear socks - the dog gets too much dirt on the floor!

  7. There was always more to Betty than met the eyes. I am a barefoot girl!

  8. Betty definitely seemed more happening and eye candy than Wilma - guess coming from money can't buy you va-va-va-voom!

  9. Elizabeth: I agree. She was my favorite. I felt sorry for Wilma being married to Fred. Barney seemed like much nicer hubby.

  10. Sherry: I wear socks in winter. It's cold in Wyoming. But summer is a whole different ball game.

  11. Debra: Hey, we should start a barefoot club and Betty could be our mascot.

  12. Craig: If there were a Bedrock beatuy pageant, Betty would have it in the bag!

  13. She puts the Rock in funny!

  14. Barefoot like a Bedrock baby! :)

  15. Vero: Welcome to the barefoot club.
