
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I is for Ivy Lynn

Welcome to the A to Z Blogging Challenge where I will post on a word
featuring a different letter of the alphabet each day of the month of April.
My theme for this challenge is Female TV Characters.

Ivy Lynn- "SMASH"

THE STORY: Ivy Lynn and Karen Cartwright are battling it out to play the part of Marilyn Monroe in a new Broadway musical.

UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL: Ivy's mother was a Broadway legend, so Ivy grew up in the world of the theatre. She's a talented singer and dancer but her insecurities cause problems. She pops pills and has no qualms about using her sex appeal to get what she wants. And she wants to be "Marilyn." Or else.

What's your favorite Marilyn Monroe movie?


  1. I started watching this show but it was too much drama too soon. I guess that was the point.
    I like your theme.
    Some great TV character women in your list.

  2. A great post. My favourite Marilyn Monroe film has to be 'Some like it Hot'

    All the best,

  3. Heather: It's a great show. I love theatre so the setting appeals to me on that level. Debra Messing is wonderful as the songwriter for the musical.

  4. Jack: Mine, too! I never get tired of that movie. Jack Lemmon is hilarious!

  5. Hi, I enjoyed "Seven Year Itch" with Tom Ewell. She was also excellent in "Bus Stop". Enjoyed your blog posts. Hopping on to see some more. Best regards to you. Ruby

  6. "Some Like it Hot" was a very funny movie.

  7. Not a show I watch, but she's certainly a fetching young thing.

  8. I think, 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes' was my favorite and then 'How to Marry a Millionaire'. I liked her in comedies, didn't care for her dramatic movies.

  9. Greetings! Great theme! I wanted to get involved with Smash but just didn't have the time for a new show. Maybe over the summer because it does look so good! Have a great April!


  10. oh dear, I'm way out of my depth with TV characters. I rarely watch TV. But I will say 'Hi" and hope you're enjoying the challenge!
    Sue: An A-Z of Climate Matters

  11. Hi, Grammy: Seven Year Itch was awesome. She also did a bit part in All About Eve.

  12. Anthony: Some Like It Hot is classic. Best Monroe Ever!

  13. Craig: Ivy Lynn is gorgeous. She sings and dances, too!

  14. Belle: I love both those movies! I agree, she was much better in comedies.

  15. Dannerromero: I'm hooked on Smash. One of the best new shows I've seen in a long time. Thanks for stopping by. Happy blogging!

  16. Dusty: I know what you mean about starting new shows. There are only so many shows a person has time to watch.

  17. Hi, Sue: Thanks for stopping by! The challenge is fun and I'm enjoying a whole bunch of new blogs!

  18. Hmmm, isn't that sort of how the real Marilyn Monroe was? She should be a shoe-in!

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  19. Shannon: You're right. The character Ivy is very similar to Marilyn. It will be interesting to see how everything turns out.

  20. Good to see all the yesteryear movie actresses.
    I did see a movie about Marilyn. I don't remember the name, but after watching the movie, I felt sad for her.

  21. Haddock, thanks for stopping by. This photo of "Ivy Lynn" is stunning.
