
Thursday, December 01, 2011

Friday Flicks: The Black Stallion

A beautiful, heartwarming story. This is the kind of movie I would make if I had the resources. Boy meets Horse. Horse afraid of Boy. Horse and Boy become friends forever. The images are stunning; each frame is a work of art. The film embraces the themes of courage, freedom and love. The long sequence of silence on the deserted island depicting isolation and loneliness is similar to Castaway  (2000).  However, in this case, the castaway has a flesh and blood companion rather than a soccer ball.

I really enjoyed Mickey Rooney is this film. He was made to play this role.


  1. The movie looks wonderful. It is nice to see Mickey Rooney again, he is a great actor. Thanks for the review!

  2. Belle: I hope you take the time to watch it. It's awesome. I watched it with six year old granddaughter this summer when she came for a visit. She loved it!

  3. I have a new granddaughter - only days old though - so it may be a few years, but I think we'll be watching this one together...thanks, Luana!

  4. Craig: I'm sure she'll love it. It's a classic!

  5. Tyrean: I've never read the book but it's clear it inspired the beauty of this movie. Thanks for stopping by.
