
Sunday, May 08, 2011

Meet My Mom

My mother, Lora, was born and raised in Oklahoma. She passed away recently and is now enjoying the glories of Heaven, spending eternity with Jesus. I love her so very much and want to celebrate Mother's Day by sharing some fun and interesting things about her.

Hobbies: Quilting, crocheting, sewing, cooking and reading. Mama made beautiful quilts with impeccable craftsmanship. She had a natural, God-given talent for sewing. She also designed her own crochet patterns and even sold some to craft magazines. She enjoyed cooking and creating new recipes and had the largest cook book collection I've ever seen. Mama loved to read and when I was growing up I never saw her without her nose in a book. I'm proud to say that she passed the bookworm gene to me.

Favorite Meal: Fried potatoes, pinto beans, cornbread and ice tea. It's my favorite, too.

Favorite Color: Yellow, because it is bright and happy.

Movie: Mama liked all kinds of movies and had a huge DVD and VHS collection. She was partial to heartwarming family dramas and action flicks. She particularly liked the Die Hard movies.

Actor: Glenn Ford and Bruce Willis

Actress: Elizabeth Taylor

Book: She liked psychological thrillers and mysteries. In her later years she liked James Patterson's novels.

Music: 1950s Rock and Roll and Country/Western. Mama liked music and would sing all the time. As a teen in the 1950s, she was there when Rock and Roll was first heard on the radio. She liked Bill Haley and the Comets, Chubby Checker, the Big Bopper, and the Everly Brothers, just to name a few. She also enjoyed country music, particularly Hank Williams and Johnny Cash.

Bible verse: Too many to count. She loved Jesus more than anything. We used to have a Bible study over the phone every Friday and shared what God had taught us that week.

"This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God and they will be my people." Hebrews 8:10

Hymn: Rock of Ages

A Special Memory of Mama: I was about eleven when she taught me and my brother to play canasta. She was a terrific card player and could shuffle a deck better than the dealers in Vegas. She was fun to play cards with.

I also remember her laugh. She didn't just chuckle or snicker, she guffawed! It was contagious. She had a wonderful sense of humor.

Five Words to Describe Mama: Determined, Funny, Compassionate, Smart, Creative.

Happy Mother's Day, Mama! See ya, soon!


  1. Beautiful tribute to your Mama! She is, no doubt, smiling from Heaven. God bless.

  2. Lisa: Thanks for stopping by. Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Luana I love your Mother so much. A day doesn't go by that I don't think of her. I remember sharing crochet patterns with her. Actually she would share with me and I was alway thankful that she did. She was and inspiration to us all. She is missed more than I can say. My Aunt Lora a lovely human-being.

  4. Thanks, Cay. She was awesome. We all had some good times together. Love you, cuz.

  5. Your mother sounds beautiful. I can tell you miss her. Happy Mother's Day. :)

  6. Thanks, Michelle. Mama was fantastic! A great lady.

  7. How wonderful~!! A heartwarming posting for your Mom that "made my day"...Your respect and love for you Mom is priceless, and the memories are you most priceless~!! Thank you for sharing about her with us~!..She sounds like a beautiful Soul...

  8. Margaret: Thanks so much for your kind words. She was a wonderful lady.
