
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday Tune: Bad, Bad LeRoy Brown

This song was a big hit when I was in high school. I loved the country-rock style. Seems like Croce just arrived on the scene and then he was gone...a plane crashed ended his life in 1973 at the height of his career.


  1. I always liked Jim Croce too. In the late 1980's I ate at his wifes restaurant in San Diego, Calif.

  2. Anthony: I didn't know his wife had a restaurant. That is awesome!

  3. Oh, great song! I loved it when my high school chemistry/physics teach Mr. McNalty would sing this in class - he would always go silent for the damn and slap the table instead - "the whole - slap! - town, badder than..." Funny stuff! And I actually got to see Jim Croce sing the song live at the Mississippi River Festival August 15, 1973, just weeks before he was tragically killed in that plane crash. Great post Luana!

  4. Craig: OMG that is so cool. I would have loved to have seen him perform in person. You teacher sounds awesome. I had a teacher like that. His name was Mr. Almond and he played the guitar. He'd make up funny songs on the spot.

  5. Hey there!

    I tagged you in a game of tag :-)

    xx R

  6. Hi, Rachel! Haven't played tag in years! Awesome.

  7. Remember Amos Moses by Jerry Reed?

    It came out about the same time.

  8. Boy, this brought back memories..Love Croce! I didn't know about the restaurant either, so learn something new each blog day~!! ((If I visited MORE OFTEN))
    Sorry to be so late~!

  9. Huntress: I LOVE Jerry Reed and yes I remember Amos Moses. He was fabulous in Smokey and the Bandit! I wanted to be a truck driver after watching that movie.

  10. Hi, Margaret: I also loved his song Time in a Bottle...such beautiful lyrics.

  11. Rachel: I haven't played tag in years! Awesome!
