Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday Tunes: Bach A Minor Invention

I've been working on this piece of music for years. And I'm still not good enough to record myself playing. I found this video online just so you can see what I have to deal with. Bach's music is inspiring, brilliant and absolutely beautiful.


Belle said...

Beautiful piece of music. Yes, I can see it would be hard as there is no resting at all and to keep the tempo the same through the whole thing. Lovely,

Luana Krause said...

Belle: It's very challenging but so worth it to play such a lovely piece of music. This is the kind of music I would take with me on a desert island.

Craig Edwards said...

Wow! That is complex and just lovely! Thanks for posting it, Luana!

Luana Krause said...

Hi, Craig: Yes, it's a beautiful piece of music. I get chills of joy when I hear it.